Château Gigognan

Exclusive survey of Vinea Transaction Network agencies

(March 2014)

In order to better understand the wine transaction market, Vinea Transaction carried out an exclusive survey of the agencies in its network. 159 transactions carried out during the years 2010 to 2013 were analyzed and analyzed.


THE REGIONS ANALYZED: All the French wine regions were studied with the exception of Champagne (atypical market) and Alsace (area not covered by the Vinea Transaction network).



  • The study relates exclusively to “estates” with vineyards and real estate. Transfers of plots have not been taken into account.
  • Chinese investors were excluded from the study since they only impact the Bordeaux vineyard. Our conclusions would then have been different.
  • Transactions over € 25 million were also excluded from the scope of the study.


THE PANEL : The study is not exhaustive, but it is nevertheless based on a representative panel of transactions carried out in the French vineyard. The 2014 study panel covers 159 transactions representing 4,640 negotiated ha (*).
The amounts of the transactions analyzed vary between 0.9 M € and 17 M € with an average of 3.5 M €.


See the file