Vinea Transaction - Loire

Vinea Transaction Loire, the new name of the wine branch of Quatuor Transactions, the leading firm for farm transactions in France since 2004.

A partner of Vinea Transaction since 2008 in the Cognac vineyards, where we have assisted numerous sellers and buyers with their projects, we have decided to extend our presence in the VINEA TRANSACTION network, bringing our skills to winegrowers in Bordeaux and the Loire Valley.

Each of our negotiators is specialised in his or her own vineyard, so they have a thorough understanding of the specific features of each region.

Alain PAINEAU, who lives in Saumur, is at the heart of the Loire Valley vineyards. An agricultural engineer and holder of a Master’s degree in International Vintage, his experience in consultancy and viticulture is an ideal complement to his initial training.

Dominique DUFORT joined the team in 2014 and assists the wine negotiators. Her perfect command of English and Swiss is a valuable asset in Cognac’s international vineyard.

Louis REBIERE holds a Master’s degree in agricultural law and the agri-food industry, and has a very good knowledge of the agricultural sector. His skills will be useful in assisting negotiators in drafting and monitoring sales dossiers. (to be added to the Bordeaux presentation)

Tugdual DE TREMAUDAN, Managing Partner, is a consultant in rural law and holds a Master’s degree in Land Expertise from IHEDREA. He brings his experience and skills to the team as a whole, particularly in legal matters relating to sales.

Eric BERNARD, the company’s founder and chairman, also brings his expertise to the table, providing support at every stage of the transaction right up to the final signing of the sale agreement.

The Loire Valley wine region is renowned for its picturesque vineyards and quality wines. With over 70,000 hectares planted with vines, this region of central France offers a varied landscape between the Pays Nantais, Anjou, Saumur, Touraine and Centre-Val-de-Loire.

Close to Paris, the Loire Valley is France’s 3rd largest wine-growing region.

Vinea Transaction Loire offers a complete range of services for the transfer of a winegrowing business, including valuation of the business, search and selection of buyers, support in negotiations, and assistance with administrative, legal and financing procedures.

Our strengths and skills :

  • Valuation of the farm
  • Search for and selection of buyers
  • Support in negotiations
  • Drafting of legal documentation for the sale
  • Assistance with administrative formalities Assistance with the economic study and search for finance

Contact us:

Vinea Transaction Loire
Zone de la Fleuriaye
5 boulevard Ampère
Tél. +33(2) 41 51 42 87


Region Loire

Department :

Cities : Nantes

Vinea Transaction Loire

Alain Paineau

Zone de la Fleuriaye 5 boulevard Ampère
44700 Carquefou

Phone 02 41 51 44 82

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